Office ID
Malta Freeport Main Gate
  • (Office of Departure)
  • (Office of Destination)
  • Source of information:
  • MT000113
  • ( Last Synchronization: 06/10/2023 )



Freeport area Birzebbugia
0 Birzebbugia

Contact Information

+356 2165 4896
+356 2165 9856


The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

The location displayed on this map is based on the address information provided and may not reflect the exact location is the address is incomplete.

Opening hours

Winter (1 October - 31 December)
Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00
Sea traffic:
Winter (1 January - 15 June)
Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00
Sea traffic:
Summer (16 June - 30 September)
Mon - Fri 07:30 - 13:30
Sea traffic:
Opening hours might change during public holidays.
01 Jan 2024 New Year
10 Feb 2024 Feast of Saint Paul
19 Mar 2024 Feast of Saint Joseph
31 Mar 2024 Freedom's Day
01 May 2024 Workers' Day
07 Jun 2024 7th June (Sette Gugnio)
29 Jun 2024 Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul
15 Aug 2024 Assumption of Our Lady
08 Sep 2024 Victory Day
21 Sep 2024 Independence Day
08 Dec 2024 Feast of Immaculate Conception
13 Dec 2024 Republic Day
25 Dec 2024 Christmas
01 Jan 2025 New Year
10 Feb 2025 Feast of Saint Paul
19 Mar 2025 Feast of Saint Joseph
31 Mar 2025 Freedom's Day
01 May 2025 Workers' Day
07 Jun 2025 7th June (Sette Gugnio)
29 Jun 2025 Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul
15 Aug 2025 Assumption of Our Lady
08 Sep 2025 Victory Day
21 Sep 2025 Independence Day
08 Dec 2025 Feast of Immaculate Conception
13 Dec 2025 Republic Day
25 Dec 2025 Christmas